OLSEN: I don't remember that. To me it was a big field with daisies, you know? Actually, I remember it not being daisies, but Lazy Susans (Editor's Note: We assume that Ms. Olsen meant to say "Black Eyed Susans"), you know—the yellow with the...
CONELRAD: But everyone called it the Daisy ad.
OLSEN: Yea. I always wondered about that later because I remembered distinctly what kind of flower it was (laughs).
You can actually also count the pedals if you ignore the girl counting, I counted 11.

Also, her sister (Annette) was Susan Spotless. Every litter bit hurts.
So now in political discussions about the ad, you can have something so obscure to mention that you clearly have analyzed every little bit of minutia about the ad... you must be brilliant. Now all you need are friends who bring up 60s political ads.
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