Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Scientists were wrong, the death knell for creationism..


I firmly believe that creationists are going to take a thumping when science rectifies one of its major errors. The idea that dinosaurs are roughly lizards is completely wrong, in fact, they are much closer to primitive birds. And with some of the new fossils coming out of China it seems pretty clear. A lot of dinosaurs probably had feathers and at the very least down.

Now shouldn't creationists latch on to this mistake and declare science inept and thusly wrong and them thusly right? Well, no. Because the truth is dinosaurs were a lot more evolved than we gave them credit for. So making the modern understanding of dinosaurs that of feathered dinosaurs will much more easily be seen as evidence for evolution. "Wow, it went from scales to feathers in generation. It's evolving before my very eyes!"

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